Spirit Releasement Therapy is designed to help those encountering intrusive thoughts, struggling with spirit intrusion that has gotten worse, hearing voices, and overwhelmed with a barrage of negative thoughts.
Consultation and Introduction includes a free consultation to discuss your experiences, explore origin of negative talk, how we will use the power of hypnosis to gain clarity and start the process bring peace of mind and therapeutic releasement therapy.
This session is most helpful with gaining clarity regarding previous experiences that left it's mark and a body scan using the white light focuses on clearing any residue of picking up lower physic communications.
Double sessions are additional therapy sessions dedicated to helping you to identify multiple attachments and delve deeper into the origins of negative self talk, voices, intrusive thoughts. These sessions will support you to tune in on you inner guidance of the higher self with additional therapeutic releasement therapy.
Hypnosis is a powerful way to reclaim your power, focus on the inner voice, the higher self and connect with spirit guides who will help you tune into the white light within to release negative thoughts and attachments.
Hypnosis creates a peaceful meditate sate of mind which is conducive to connecting with the inner guidance, enabling your truth and light to shine through.
This is the start of the process to distinguish between your thoughts and those of low vibrational spirit attachment, and how to insert new rules and boundaries in your life and clear residue of old thought patterns left behind.
30 minutes free Consultation
90 minutes session
2 hours in total duration for this introduction session
Outline your experience to date
Highlight negative thoughts
The voices
The negative trajectory
The origin of negative self talk
Identify who are behind the voices
How attachments started
Releasement therapy work
Bring the higher self inner voice into focus
Using the white light within you to rise to the forefront
How to implement new bounders
Introduction to recognizing inner guidance
Preparation for the ongoing therapy session
Reveal how spirit attachments were formed
How to prevent spirit attachments from being reformed
Check if all spirit attachments had been identified and release
Help to start the process of you get back to your true self