Hi I'm Tracey
Are you having a spiritual awakening?
Want to meditate but can't switch off?
Feel stuck and find the spiritual path hard?
My purpose is to help you hear the bigger me, your Higher Self the part of you that holds all the wisdom and answers through meditation.
This is the part of you that can powerfully heal what is causing physical ailments, reduce empathic sensitivity overload, and manage anxiety and stress. Help you get to the root of emotional, and mental health issues, and receive spiritual clarity in what you are here to do.
Use the power of your mind with Reiki!
Read more about these services below:
Spirit Releasement Therapy
QHHT Past Life Regression
Akashic Records
Sign up to access the online Reiki course. All video-based modules via the members area.
Spirit Releasement Therapy
Many of us are experiencing intrusive thoughts or hearing voices, but we don't talk about it because of the fear of being judged or labelled crazy.
This powerful hypnosis session focuses on the spiritual meaning and what's behind the shifts in clairaudience and hearing negative thoughts and voices.
More than that your inner guidance will help you get the clarity you need to be at peace.
Spirit Releasement Therapy -
Double Session
This double hypnosis session will help you reclaim your power and peace of mind. By tuning into your higher self this is a part of you, that will show you the way. Reveal the truth behind these type of experiences from a spiritual perspective.
Most of all this will help you to get back to your true self, and how to implement new boundaries.​​​
Past Life Regression
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique By Delores Cannon
This past life regression (QHHT) session is in-person and will help you connect with your higher self for guidance. You will be guided into hypnosis so you can hear this part of you and receive answers to your questions.
Akashic Records
Soul Realignment
Remembering Who You Are at Soul level
This session is by Skype helping you remember who you are, clear karmic blocks and patterns holding you back. Tune into your sprit guides, how to create what you want and live in alignment with your purpose.​​​
Read Blogs
What an amazing experience learning Reiki level 1. I learned so much doing level 1 and looking forward to doing level 2 to progress with my learning. Highly recommend learning with Tracey as she is so warm and welcoming